
Monday, May 18, 2015

OU's Public Canvas Courses

In another post, I wrote about how exciting it is that we can create Canvas courses that are public, open for all to see. Now that our official OU Canvas space is up and running, you can look at the catalog of public courses... and you'll see two of them there: my Growth Mindset Playground and also Keegan's Intro to Canvas, along with a generic training course provided by Canvas.

If you are logged in as an OU user, you can "join" the course... but, even better, because Keegan and I both made our courses public, that means they are viewable by anyone at all without joining and without logging in. In other words, you can visit the courses, just like you visit a normal website online, bookmarking the pages, sharing the links, etc.

So, thanks to our public Canvas space, you can browse around my Growth Mindset Playground, and you can browse around Keegan's Intro course, learning together with us as we learn!

This public option is a HUGE difference from the D2L system that we used before. I hope lots of people will choose to take advantage of this option to share and learn together, sharing public Canvas content. Look and link! :-)

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